Lewis and Clark were the first white men in the area when
they camped at what became The Dalles in October 1805 near the creek the local Indians
referred to as Quenett, now known as Mill Creek. They called the site they
camped at “Rock Fort Camp.”
The Hudson’s Bay boatmen and the French Canadian fur traders
called the greatest rapids on the Columbia River “Le Grand Dalles de la
Methodist Episcopal missionaries, Rev. Daniel Lee and Rev.
Henry K.W. Perkins, arrived at the Dalles of the Columbia on March 21, 1838. They
spent the next several months erecting the Wascopam Mission building, where
they began their work to bring the white mans "religion" to the natives of the
For twenty five years, half a million people pulled up
stakes and headed for the farms and gold fields of the West. Oregon was the
destination for about a third of the emigrants . From 1843 until 1845, wagons
could reach The Dalles, but from there if the emigrants wished to press on
westward, they had little choice but to make a raft of pine logs, buy a raft
from enterprising Indians, or rent a bateaux (a light flat-bottomed riverboat) from the Hudson’s Bay Company for
around $80.
Sam Barlow devised a plan to build a road from The Dalles to
the Willamette Valley, avoiding the Columbia altogether. Just one obstacle
stood in his way: Mt. Hood (all 11,250 feet of it)... Barlow obtained official permission to build the
Mount Hood Toll Road in early 1846.
(it's shown in red)
Dalles City was designated the
county seat when Wasco County was created on January 11, 1854 and was the
second largest county in the country at the time. In ten short years, between
1850 and 1860, the sparsely populated outpost of Fort Dalles exploded into the
booming western town of Dalles City with a swollen “floating tent” population
of 10,000, filled with soldiers, god-fearing missionaries, gold miners, tavern
owners, bordellos, immigrants, adventurers, gamblers and scallywags. The name was officially change from Dalles (or Dalles City) to The Dalles in 1860.
By the time the Gay 90's rolled around, The Dalles was a full
blown western city with a stable population of 5,000 souls, spread over an
area encompassing dozens and dozens of square city blocks.
The Dalles, like any
proper western town of the era, had its share of saloons. One of those saloons
was named the Germania. It was located
in amongst a myriad of other drinking emporiums on 2nd street in the New Vogt
Block. It was one block off the railroad tracks and owned by a proprietor by
the name of Chas. Stubling. I found the
first mention of him in the "Saloon Business" on the front page of the December
16, 1890 edition of the Dalles Daily Chronicle.
He advertised with a boilerplate column ad for quite some time. In July 1891 he advertised that he's opened up a saloon in the building "next door west of the Germania Saloon". Oddly enough, the newspaper reported in September 1891 that he was the proprietor of the Germania Saloon?
He advertised with a boilerplate column ad for quite some time. In July 1891 he advertised that he's opened up a saloon in the building "next door west of the Germania Saloon". Oddly enough, the newspaper reported in September 1891 that he was the proprietor of the Germania Saloon?
My best guess is that he'd had new, bigger
and better digs constructed for his burgeoning clientele, which had continued to grow since he began to
advertise incessantly. He also stressed that he was now both a Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer.
Odds are that it was at this time he commissioned the scarce slug plate
amber cylinder embossed, UNITED WE STAND / WHISKEY
On July 14, 1892, Chas. Stubling announced another change; a
partnership with an Owen Wilhelm. It was at that time that all advertising
changed to focus strictly on retail sales and the saloon trade.
Odd, but on July
16th, the ad had been changed to read (Chas) Stubling and (Owen) Williams? A
brief relationship? Nope, most probably a corrected typo...
On September 2,
1892 all hell broke loose, literally; The BIG FIRE OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1892 burned
Stublings Saloon to the ground.
By December 1894 I found reference to a new retail
endeavor, "Stubling and William's
Sample Rooms" located at the corner of 2nd and Court Streets.
In 1895 a new ad came out
showing an address of 94 Second St. (one in the same).
A few years went by when an edition in the same rag, dated March
26, 1896, announced that they had relocated to J O
Macks "old stand", located on 2nd between Washington and Federal
The Dalles had three "cat box liners" (newspapers)
operating at the same time in the 90's. One was named The Dalles Daily
Chronicle, another The Dalles Weekly Chronicle, and lastly, The
Dalles times - mountaineer. Stubling
advertised in all of them. The following adv. is a sample of what appeared regularly in the latter. Notice the reference to both wholesale and retail again...
Things stayed status quo for the next few years; bordering
on boring. Every ad looked like the one before~
Finally, on January 21, 1899, a change; a big change. Stubling had gone
solo again.
He was once again pushing the wholesale trade and had obtained
sole agency for Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, a well known and popular east
coast brand.
I'm guessing that the mold for the tooled amber cylinder with the Riley patent inside thread closure embossed "C.J. Stubling / (logo) / The Dalles Or." was commissioned at this time as well.
He also placed one order for etched shot glasses to further promote his new endeavor.
In addition to the fifth and the shot, two flasks were also produced; one a token, the other a basket weave. All are about as common as a pair of lips on a chicken!
After that ad appeared, all Dalles Stubling liquor trade newsprint advertisements vanish.
His involvement in the wholesale end of the business obviously continued though, as he is mentioned as a wholesaler in ads published in the Condon (Oregon) Globe as late as 1904.
In addition to the fifth and the shot, two flasks were also produced; one a token, the other a basket weave. All are about as common as a pair of lips on a chicken!

After that ad appeared, all Dalles Stubling liquor trade newsprint advertisements vanish.
His involvement in the wholesale end of the business obviously continued though, as he is mentioned as a wholesaler in ads published in the Condon (Oregon) Globe as late as 1904.
I also found reference to him filing suit against a saloon
keeper named Wilson, in Condon Oregon, in 1907 for fraudulent conveyance dating
back to 1894. I won't bore you with the details...
A brief reference to him having accepted a "bad check" in the amount of $62~ from a "Hindoo" at the "C.J. Subling liquor house" was the last thing I could locate relating to his liquor business. It was published in the Hood River Glaciers March 11, 1909 edition. C. J. Stubling's life after 1909 is yet another story.
However, we have his presence in the wholesale and retail liquor trade during the final decade of the 19th century to thank for two of Oregon's more desirable western whiskey fifths, an equal number of flasks and one single etched shot glass~
A brief reference to him having accepted a "bad check" in the amount of $62~ from a "Hindoo" at the "C.J. Subling liquor house" was the last thing I could locate relating to his liquor business. It was published in the Hood River Glaciers March 11, 1909 edition. C. J. Stubling's life after 1909 is yet another story.
However, we have his presence in the wholesale and retail liquor trade during the final decade of the 19th century to thank for two of Oregon's more desirable western whiskey fifths, an equal number of flasks and one single etched shot glass~
Thanks to Jeff W and ABA for the UWS photo!
Thanks to RP for the shot glass photo!
Thanks to Zigs for the flask photos!
Thanks to RP for the shot glass photo!
Thanks to Zigs for the flask photos!
Bruce, Another first class piece of whiskey bottle history. I bought one of these shot glasses sound Waldport many years ago. Dead mint. On a windowsill with other glasses: $1. Didn't argue. Another time, back when long distance bicycling was still my major hobby, I was going through Plymouth,California at the end of a long ride. Needed to stop. Saw an old house advertising, wine, massage, and antiques. On a table with cheapie" United We Stand with gold rim. Mint. $7. I probably sold both of them to Barnett, so you might have one or both. Steve
Great article Bruce! I can account for four of the "slug plate" fifths in collections, so they are rarer than "scarce". Thomas indicated they came with a glob top, but all known examples are tooled. I have never seen the basket weave shoo fly flask before!
Another great write up Bruce I have the slug plate heck never seen the shoo fly or the token flask before cool stuff
Another fantastic research article Bruce!
Dug half of a slugplate
Awesome article and history Bruce, Thanks !!
I just picked up a dead mint basket weave shoo fly flask a couple weeks ago at a thrift shop in the Greater Seattle area, for $0.20. Man it's a beauty !
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