Gold Discovered in Washington!
Tom Bostwick (Sept
Every so often a rare
and beautiful bottle surfaces, and causes ripples in the hobby. It happened to
a friend of mine recently, and the story bears repeating.
It seems that
"Ted" got a call recently from a lady who said "I read your ad
in the newspaper about wanting old bottles. "I have some... are you
interested?" After tracking down so many dead end leads, Ted's enthusiasm
for following up had cooled considerably, but hesitantly he asked her to
describe them. As soon as he heard her say "Catawba Wine Bitters, with a
picture of a cabin", he knew the bottle immediately. By the next afternoon
he had the bottle sitting at home, on his shelf. The owner said that she'd
found the bottle years in some mine tailings near Eureka Nv. She and here
husband used to live in the area, and she'd fished the bottle out of the dirt,
and taken it home with her, "cause it was so pretty". The bottle that
Ted had purchased was a rare 1872 Chalmers Catawba Wine Bitters / Spruance
Stanley & CO. that pictures a log cabin with Old Sutter's Mill below.

These aqua cylinders
are a true historical commemorative bottle for the West, and celebrates the
California Gold Rush, which began at Coloma at Sutter's Mill in 1848, and is
clearly depicted on the embossing.
Blown in 1872/73, the majority of these were
shipped to Nevada, and supposedly to Utah. From written and
"word of mouth" information, 3 have been dug in Belmont. One well known example was unearthed
behind the Cosmopolitan Saloon on Easter Sunday, 1980, and is reportedly the
best of the three dug in Belmont
between 1977 and 1984. No examples have been reported being dug in Utah, but a written history of the vineyard where Catawba
Wine Bitters was produced, clearly shows the majority of this product was
shipped to Nevada and Utah. Spruance Stanley & Co. were the
proprietors of this bitters between 1872/73 when the vineyard discontinued
growing Catawba grapes.
The bottles that held
the Chalmers Catawba Wine Bitters are not only beautiful, but have brought
record prices at auction over the past few years. There are 12 to15 known examples
in any condition. 2 changed hands in Feb. 2010, one through the American Bottle
Auction #49, and the second, privately for and undisclosed amount.
Since then, others
have been to auction, and as recent as Sept. 2015, another was listed on eBay
for $22,000~ by a New York
Obviously. Ted's
recent find will cause ripples with Western Bitters collectors, and proves to
all in the hobby, that good bottles are "still out there" just
waiting to be discovered.