It's everywhere. On the news stand, in the mail box, blowing
alongside the freeway. Fish are wrapped in it at the meat market, it's loaded
in our computer printer (yea, I know, computers were supposed to do away with
paper), it's in the bath room, on cans of food in the kitchen, and yes, even on
Paper was invented in ancient China in about
105 C.E during the Han Dynasty. It slowly spread to the west via
the Silk Road.
and manufacturing in Europe started in the Iberian Peninsula, in the 10th century,
eventually spreading to Italy and South France, and reaching Germany
by 1400.
The Chinese, who pioneered "paper" created it by hand, using mulberry
and other bast fibers
(the "inner bark" or the skin of the tree) along with fishnets,
old rags, and hemp
The earliest piece of paper found to date, at Fangmatan
in Gansu
province, is inscribed with a map and has been dated from 179-41 BC.
mechanized the process of paper production using water powered mills, (similar
to the gold stamp mills used in the American west four and a half centuries
later). The sound of mechanical stamps crushing tree bark, rags, fishnets and
hemp waste soon began to resound in many European cities that were located
adjacent to waterways. One paper mill, located in Nuremberg
in 1493, set the bar for later mills. The mill is located at the
lower right corner. Due to their noise and smell, paper mills were required by
medieval law to be erected outside of the city perimeter. (Anyone who's ever
lived near, or driven by a modern pulp or paper mill can relate to the
Before the
industrialization and modernization of paper production the most common fiber source was
recycled fibers from used textiles, called rags. The rags were from hemp, linen and cotton. It was
not until the introduction of wood pulp in 1843 that paper production was no
longer almost entirely dependent on recycled materials from rag pickers.
The used bottle and rag man was not an uncommon sight in the west even during the
latter half of the 19th century.
Paper has one
inherent flaw, it has a high mortality rate. Without getting too scientific,
the modern paper production process (kraft process) was invented in the 1870's
and by the 1890's most commercial producers of paper had switched over from the
sulfite process that was invented in 1843. It utilizes an acid based chemical
process that breaks down wood fibers. The only problem with this process is
that left unchecked, this process continues and the paper ultimately self
destructs unless treated by a conservator. Sunlight and moisture accelerate the
The modernization of paper production greatly reduced the cost of production and the use of paper for labeling products grew by leaps and bounds. Hand in hand with the modernization of paper production came the evolution of color printing. What had previously been shades of blacks and grays printed on crème colored paper gradually evolved into brilliant multi color offset litho labels on bright white stock.
So what do paper
production and printing have to do with pre-prohibition western whiskies? A
Back in the
late 1960's, just as whiskey collecting was emerging from it's infancy, labeled
bottles were still somewhat available. Not plentiful, but we certainly saw a
great deal more "back in the day", than we do now. Sadly though, most
collectors were either scraping or soaking off the paper labels so that the
bottles would display better in a sunlit window or a lighted display case. So
much for history...
Back in my early
collecting days, again in the 60's, I lived a few blocks from some of the pioneers of
the hobby. John Howe (who wrote the first western whiskey book), and his
friends Dale Hoyt and Dave McLeod, all had impressive collections. Many of the
bottles that John pictured in Antique Whiskey Bottles came from these
collectors. And scattered through the pages of the book are an occasional
cylinder that was still sporting it's original paper label. I spent countless
hours drooling over John, Dale and Dave's bottles, and for some reason, I was
drawn to the labels. I was just a kid, in my teens and had no idea what it was
that caught my fancy, but as soon as I was able to start buying, instead of
digging whiskies, I gravitated toward the labeled stuff whenever I could find

The labels bear an uncanny resemblance to labels used by Hotaling; an observation that obviously did not go un-noticed since no embossed John Wolf & Co. examples with barrels have been seen, and these are the only two labeled examples that, to my knowledge, have surfaced.
A recent find came from beneath an aged building in John Thomas's old stomping grounds, Weaverville, Ca. This label was printed for John Sroufe & Co, when he was located at
(A friend just sent me a photo of his Sroufe / Blue Grass example. It's in much better shape than mine and has the 6 ray S.F. star base. Check out the color of the cylinder! It too came out of Weaverville.)
Another interesting piece advertises Laurel Crown OK Old Bourbon. Again, label only, but not one that we see every day.
It most probably dates to the late 70's. Both the "OK" and the spelling of Whisky, indicate that he was pushing pure Kentucky Bourbon; or at least that's what he wanted folks to think... Based on the crudity and the style, one would have to guess that this label was used for Wm. Hoelschers flagship brand before he stepped to the plate and had the embossed mold cut. The base mark on this piece is an oddball. The bottle is obviously S.F. glass, but the base is embossed with something resembling an angular hour glass.
Without question,
my favorite early label proudly resides on a popular embossed glop top cylinder;
a Tea Kettle. It was found, lying on it's side, beneath a residence in Virginia
City Nevada ,
many years ago.

Based on the crudity and style of the top, it most probably dates to the mid 70's; the era of the height of the silver boom on the Comstock. The era when times were flush, over 25,000 people called "VC" home and the saloons never closed. If it could only talk~

Based on the crudity and style of the top, it most probably dates to the mid 70's; the era of the height of the silver boom on the Comstock. The era when times were flush, over 25,000 people called "VC" home and the saloons never closed. If it could only talk~

The Tausig P. Moreville AAA Bourbon (Louis Taussig) is a good example of the transition that started to occur in the mid to late 90's. This is a labeled example of the slug plate "Wholesale Liquor Dealers" variant that is attributed to ca. 1892 - 1902. Notice the typical dark lettering, on crème colored paper, but with the addition of bright red at the top of the label, which gives "AAA" emphasis.

This labeled and embossed glop top Early and Often Whiskey Cocktail (Goldberg Bowen & Lebenbaum) was found in the attic of the general store at

Rosenblatt also sold cordials in addition to whiskey and brandy. My grandmother was born in Oakland Ca. in the 1880's. She smoked like a chimney and drank whiskey until the day she passed through the pearly gates. Her drink of choice was Rock & Rye. I can recall as a child, getting a sip on occasion. A ladies drink, it was sweet. The inclusion of reds and golds into the label, was probably an attempt to soften up the graphics, make it brighter and flashier, and attract the trade of the fairer sex.

A fanciful depiction of "the berry" draws ones eye to the label, while subconsciously suggesting the purity of the Blackberry Cordial inside this labeled and embossed Louis Taussig product.
Kentucky Lily was
a brand of "medicinal whiskey" marketed by Crown Distilleries for
family use around 1900. Although not popular, like their Lilydale brand, it was
obvious that they felt that an eye catching label would help sell the brand.
The black type with the gilt rooster and ornate graphics are really eye
catching. Fortunately, the brand flopped. To my knowledge, this example,
complete with lead foil, and original closure is unique.
Even the lowly tanker, a late bottle (and the Rodney Dangerfield of western whiskies) when outfitted with the original label, becomes a rarity. And although these generally date to the teens, just like their predecessors, the attention to detail and brilliant colors are still present. Without the label, they're like a row of bowling pins. Boring. But with an intact label they become something that any bottle collector would jump at the chance to acquire.
Labeled with
contents ratchets the bar up yet another notch. The E. G. Lyons Blackberry
Liqueur was found deep inside a mine shaft near Goldfield Nevada . Never exposed to the heat of the
desert, or the rays of the sun, it looks like it was pulled off the back bar of
Tex Rickards "Northern Saloon" last week.
Same goes for the F. Chevalier & Co. / Sappho brand Creme DeMenthe and the Oak Run mini from Brunsing Tolle & Postel.

With roughly seven dozen on my shelves, it's hard to pick a favorite. It's actually a tie in my book. The Bohemian Club Whiskey Cocktail, printed for M. Newman around 1907, has it all. Brilliant colors, awesome graphics, and... another rooster.

But if I had to choose one that stands
out when combining color, graphics, and composition, it would be the label on this embossed Wm. Hirschler tooled cylinder dating from the mid 90's. Talk about over the top! My guess is that the lithographer who designed this label, was imbibing of some sort of pre food and drug act substance while "creating"...

Coming full circle; labeled western whiskeys have always held a draw for me. Availability years ago was good by comparison, condition often great, and prices were reasonable. I personally was attracted to the labels because of both their inherent mortality, and because of the history present on the paper that was not on the embossing. I'm glad that I got while the gittin' was good. Apparently, gone are the days when a bottle with a label was about as affordable as one without.
Seems that a lot
of people have recently realized what I figured out thirty plus years ago. There's
a limited supply. Limited supply coupled with demand equals competition. It's
an age old law of economics. Where there's competition, ebay's normally not too
far behind. (a modern law of economics). Now I realize that ebay has a way of
wringing out the last cents (and sense) of some collectors, but what I've seen
lately has been nothing short of mind boggling. Recently a tooled Crown
Distileries cylinder (with maybe 70% remaining of a dog eared paper label)
hammered for over $250~. And a tooled Kelloggs (granted in excellent shape with
a rainbow of color) brought close to $350~.
I guess the color
of the ink on the paper is immaterial these days. Be it black, red, yellow,
brown or...; it's all gold.