Sunday, March 31, 2013
Friday, March 22, 2013
I received the following from good friend Rick Simi this AM.
I am sorry to report Ken Schwartz passed away last night. I do not have any details on services or any other information but will post more information as it becomes available.
Ken was a wonderful and caring person and a pillar of the western bottle collecting community...Sad News indeed....
Ken was a wonderful and caring person and a pillar of the western bottle collecting community...Sad News indeed....
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
A Horse (actually a Bear) of a different color.
Last year we posted four articles on Braunschweiger &
Co. One of the articles pictured most of their known picture variants, along
with a few others. I never paid a lot of attention to the Bear Grass Bourbon variants,
although they are a nice bottle. To me, most of the clear Bear Grass pictures look pretty much alike, although with a couple of minor modifications. I guess I should start to pay a little closer attention!
A couple of weeks ago I picked up a number of better whiskies,
one of which was a Bear Grass toolie without the S.F. on it. I didn't pay much attention
to anything but condition due to time constraints but today, while looking them over, I noticed that one of the
bottles in the box was close to the same height as the J. Gundlach glop pint next to it.
Huh, I didn't spot that before.
Sometime the obvious isn't so... uh, obvious. That is, until you get a chance to do a sideby side comparison.

And so, I put it up on the light shelf alongside another
Bear Grass. Not even close to double vision. Wow, what a difference. First and foremost,
it's short and stocky. Almost, but not quite, a short squat (about half way
between a fifth and a sixth). 10 7/8" tall and 3 1/8" in diameter
it's an oddball to be sure. And the variant without the "S.F." in the
book #76 is listed only with a glop top. Second thing I noticed is that the
embossing is in a circle instead of a large oval. Last and not least is the
attitude of the bear; he's ticked off. We've always joked that the Bear Grass bear looks more like a pig; a happy pig at that.
No smile on this variant though; eye's squinted and
ears back. And lots of teeth.
Musta been some strong Bourbon~
I wonder, how many of these are lurking out there in
collections. At this time, I can only account for maybe a half dozen. Comments?
Thursday, March 14, 2013
"There's no place like home".
Well said Dorothy!
I just returned from a week in the Bay Area. What a rat race.
This ol' country boy just isn't meant for the big city. Nice place to visit (maybe for a day or two).
A week down
there reminds me of how lucky I am to live elsewhere.
But, I did score a few pretty decent whiskies down there in the process.
Go figure...
One of them is an example that I've never had before.
Actually, I don't recall even seeing one. It's a catchy little number. "Exposition
Brand" to be precise.
Super light orange amber bordering on yellowish at
the shoulder. Tooled corker, somewhat crude. Wilson didn't list it. Thomas; well let's
just say that it was beneath John's dignity to list anything this rare if it didn't
have a glop top. Barnett's 4th edition has it on page 112/113 as #513. One of
the things that Bob found interesting, as did I, was the capacity of 23 Oz.
Why, I haven't a clue. Bob listed a ca. on the bottle of 1913 - 1914. I thought that ca. was too late, but low and behold, Bob was darned close.
After a couple of hours of snooping, I
found the proprietors P. Lombardi and O. Riccomini listed in the 1915 Crocker
Directory. They were labeled as wholesale and retail liquor dealers. Once I had the year, things began to make
sense in terms of the brand name.
In 1915, Lombardi and Riccomini were located at 1706 Stockton St. a
couple doors down from the corner Filbert, and not far from the famed Stockton
Here's what the buiding looks like today. All gussied up, but listed as unsafe on the City of S.F.'s inventory of seismically threatened structures.
This address was preceded by occupancies first at 627 Vallejo in 1912, and 637 Vallejo in 1913 & 1914 (possibly just an
address typo in the directory, which was common).
A quick check of the 1915 S. F. street maps shows that the Stockton St. location
was conveniently located on a major thoroughfare, directly adjacent to Columbus St. , which
was a straight shot to the Exposition located just a few blocks away.
They appear last in the S. F. business directory of 1916. And so from riches to rags in four short years. A
veritable flash in the pan. Looks to me like they put all of their eggs in one
basket and the gamble failed to pay. The Exposition brand name was a natural. Too
bad it flopped. Bad whiskey? Too much dependency on a one shot draw? Or; maybe
whiskey drinkers just weren't yet ready for downsized packaging in the form of
23 ounce bottles; (reduced from the normal "fifth" or 1 pint 9 ounce
Whatever the case, we have them to thank for one of the
rarest tool tops around.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
My Fantasy Girl
38 Special wrote the song. It was one of those radio "hits" that got run into the ground. Sometimes, when I force myself to browse through ebay, the song starts spinning away in my mind. It happened again the other day.
A while back I spotted an offering by Stufftou2 (where do
people come up with these names...) on ebay. I was looking for a pre-pro shot
glass called Bear Creek Rye; (it's an amazing picture glass with a dancing bear
holding a bottle of whiskey!).
No shot glass, but up popped this "thing". It's an
oddball for sure at only 8 1/2" tall with a footed base and a flared
medicine style top. It's etched GOLDEN BEAR WHISKEY / S.F.
(on the front) and .25C on the rear.
At first, I felt my heart skip a beat.
And then... curiosity, followed by nagging doubt, kicked into gear.
I'd never heard of Golden Bear brand. It sounded plausible
though. Whiskey is spelled "KEY", indicating west coast production. California , is the "Golden State";
and the Grizzly Bear figured prominently in both the states history and the
liquor industry of the late 1800's. Wow, it's a natural. And the .25C shot
sounded within the realm of reality.
Heck, a Golden Bear fifth exists although not embossed as
such. It's a Braunschweiger glop top that should have been blood red but
somehow got blown with the wrong cullet.
Could it be?
Nah, just wishful thinking. Lot 's
of advertising for Pierces Golden
Medical Discovery stating that it will "bear
investigation" in the S.F. Newspapers, but that's as close to connecting the dots as I could
get from 1880 - 1906. No brand registration in California, and nothing through the patent office...
And so, elation turned to frustration. No way to document the piece. And once the shine came off the apple and I looked at the piece with a critical eye, I began to wonder. Is it a one of a kind "Real McCoy" but with no way to authenticate it or a Fantasy Girl?
What's your take? Let's hear it~
Shot photo courtesy of Robin P. and Ken S. - Golden Bear decanter courtey of ebay and "Stufftou2"
Friday, March 1, 2013
One word, short
and to the point. It's described as; "A fad".
And I'm seeing a new trend with western whiskies; a fun
trend that doesn't cost a ton of money.
I mailed out the
winter list around the first of the year. Two months later, things have finally
simmered down. What the heck caused the flurry of activity? An improved
economy? I don't think so... A fatalistic acceptance of the next four white
house years? Perhaps. Ebay? Ya think... Reasonable prices? That always helps. Pent
up demand? To a degree.
So, what's up?
The popularity of western whiskies for one. But I'm seeing a new trend. Not
everyone has the big bucks or the desire to spend them on a bottle. And yet,
there's a lot of collectors out there who strive to build their collections
even in an economy that best resembles the voyage of the Titanic.
Sure, some of us
"old timers" have a reputation for collecting the "big
dogs"; and rightfully so. But many of us also have an appreciation for
common bottles with that "something extra" going for them. And that
is the direction that a lot of collectors have veered toward. One of the trends
that became glaringly evident with this list, is that a lot of collectors, both
new and old, just love killer glass. Never mind that the bottles with "killer
glass" are common as fleas on a dog. Color and crudity, and not the
"big dogs", ruled the roost this time around.
And here's a
couple of bottles off of my shelves that fit the bill.
Howsabut an
Argonaut? All you need to add is a stick and you've got a lollipop!
Distilleries. A "lowly" #202 with the Riley IT closure. Not oxblood
red; it's more of your basic meat 'n potatoes western amber with hints of orange. Try as I might, I
can't find any drip under the ring on this critter; so we'll call it a wannabe
glop. But what it lacks in spillover, it makes up in crudity! Talk about
hammered with whittle. This thing's got more facets than a 2 caret diamond!

Then there's
good ol' Fred Raschen. Freddie here has it all; a light bright color and more
crudity than most early Cutter glop tops!

Not to mention the back bar sign that sits next to it...
Last on this
weeks menu of common, but killer, is a Slater's. Light orange at the shoulder,
deep red amber toward the base, crooked neck, tears / streaks / swirls /
tobacco juice in the neck. The full meal deal; and on the dollar menu! Just
like the proverbial pony in the closet, there's just got to be a glop top out
there. Until then, this is as good as it gets!
Sure, the big
dogs are fun to collect, and expensive. And so it seems, that the trend these
days for a lot of collectors has turned toward color and character, instead of the bank
breakers. This kind of trend keeps the juices flowing and collections growning. It's a good trend if you ask me...
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