A one line entry in the 1878 Langley
Directory of San Francisco
announces the appearance of a J. P. Schardin. The entry reads, simply, "
Schardin, Joseph P. (Lang & Co.), dwl Morton House".
The Morton House was run by William G. Graham "proptr." and was located at
Schardin appears again in the 1879 directory, this time his
residence is listed as 210 DuPont
St. ; (DuPont
St. was later renamed Grant Ave. ). Schardin is still with Lang
and all appears status quo with the exception that "foreign" is
dropped from the Lang & Co. wine and liquor listing.
In 1880, Schardin is no longer listed as being part of Lang
& Co. Instead, he is shown as residing at 22 Geary St. while maintaining an office
on his own at the 210 DuPont address that was formerly his residence. Oddly
enough, Lang is also shown as occupying the same DuPont St. address at the same time, only
with a new partner.
A change occurs in 1881 in that Schardin relocates to 31
DuPont and takes on a partner by the name of Frederick Loy. There is no longer a mention
of a separate retail location; both being run out of the same "store front".
The 1882 - 1886 directories are a
carbon copy of one another. Status Quo.
An 1884 inventory of the business doesn't look too promising. Wine worth thirty cents a gallon / whiskey a buck a gallon. And the horse, musta been a real thoroughbred valued at $15~... Total value of the entire company; a whopping $3225~. Real high rollers, eh?
Heck the paper couldn't even spell his name right~
Heck the paper couldn't even spell his name right~
But, in 1887, it appears that Schardin finally hit his stride.
A new residence, a relocation of the business to 16 - 18 Grant Avenue (beneath the City of Paris -
San Francisco's most prestigious department store before the turn of the
century - the building was one of the few to survive the 1906 Earthquake). And
something else that set me back on my heels; Schardin, and not Ahrens Pein
& B ullwinkle, had the Sole
Agency for the Royal Stag brand! And to top that off, he is also listed as the
sole agent for "Chief B itters".
For the next four years Schardin maintains the same listing
in the directories. All in bold type;
business was good! And then, without warning, in 1891, the sky fell in. J. P.
Schardin died suddenly and unexpectedly at 10:35 PM, Wednesday January 30,
1891. The obituary that appeared in the San Francisco Morning Call spoke volumes
about his character and integrity.
A ship without a captain, J. P. Schardin & Co. remained
in business during the rest of 1891, and into 1892, operated by his
estate, while the search for a successor continued.
It appears that the stars finally aligned and in 1893 yet another
entry in the City Directory appeared. Yep, good ol' Ahrens, Pein & B ullwinkel are now listed as the sole agents for Royal
Stag brand of whiskey.
They also remained the sole agents for the Chief B rand of stomach bitters (renamed tonic). They must have figured
that the Old Chief was lonesome and needed a squaw, because they introduced
Hiawatha Liver and Kidney B itters
line shortly thereafter...
Ahrens Pein and

We can account for four different embossing variants used to package the
whiskey; although only two molds were actually made (the variations are simply
two molds being modified over time). One of the molds bears the base mark 32H
(NO - not Holt!) and as such, can be attributed to Abramson Heunisch and date
ca. 1902.
The Chief and Hiawatha brands of bitters / tonic bottled by Ahrens, Pein &
And speaking of embossed... Wouldn't it be amazing if an
embossed Royal Stag Whiskey from J. P. Schardin & Co.
were to surface some day?
Ask and ye shall receive~
1 comment:
Nice Fifth Bruce, I enjoy reading Your Post, You are a very knowledgable collector, Keep Up the Good Work. I like Your Buy It Now Idea. Lets see somemore, That Peacock looks wicked. Rick
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