I've been attending the Reno show since 1970. It's one of those time /
date stamps that I look forward to every year. B ack in the day, the convention center (such as it
was) was located waaaay south of Reno proper. The MGM Grand sprouted out of the
desert, part way and a little south, between Reno
and Sparks , in
1978. We used to marvel at it's size as we lumbered through the center of old
Reno , down South
Virginia , and out into the dessert south of town toward the
convention center. It was in the middle of nowhere, had a gravel parking lot,
and tumbleweeds blowing alongside the building. Funny thing, it's still in the
same spot, but bears no resemblance to it's former self. And what was the middle
of nowhere is now the middle of south Reno . Times change, places change. Progress? (I
don't think so...)
Fast forward to 2012. This year the Reno Show hosted
Expo 2012 at what was the MGM Grand; now the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino. I
come from meager beginnings and places like the Grand Sierra can be a bit
intimidating to an old country boy who's not used to grid lock, anything over a
couple of stories high, and glitz and glimmer every where you look. And so, we
arrived Thursday to get a lay of the land and figure out what lay on the horizon
for us. And that's where the good stuff started.
Here's my story; and I'm stickin' to
1) Setup; Talk
about a walk in the park! A freight elevator that you could drive a Greyhound
bus into! And rolling carts, courtesy of the Grand Sierra, that could hold the
contents of not one, but two, loaded pickups. I was already smilin' from ear to
2) The Grand
3) Showtime;
Exceptionally well organized. Everything went off like clockwork. Sure the neck
veins throbbing visibly in Marty and Rich Siri's necks were visible proof that
they were dedicated to making things flow smoothly in terms of both dealer and
displayer setup. B ut the planning
paid off in spades. Great job guys!
4) Crunch time (opening the
floodgates); Again, advance planning paid off. Twelve noon -
everyone out of the sales / display area in the Grand B allroom. 1
PM, it looked like a cattle chute outside the entrance to the Grand Ballroom. The
presence of uniformed security guards sent a message and no "gate crashers" made
their way in uninvited.
5) Show Time (the nitty
gritty); more awesome glass was present than I can ever recall
seeing in one place in my 45+ years in the hobby. And the beauty was that both
displays and sales tables were adorned with great "stuff". B oth west and east were equally represented. Killer
western whiskies, bitters, cures, sodas, plus any and everything else that came
in glass was present. And from the east; historical flasks, foods, figural
bitters, poisons and on and on. Totally breathtaking!
6) Attendance;
B oth Friday and Saturday were
absolutely jamb packed with folks. Sunday started off strong but, as is typical
with any show on the last day, things slowed as the clock ticked on.
7) Tear down and load
out; Ditto Item #1.
8) High Points; a
massive array of quality glass was present. B oth east and west were equally represented. The
displays were out of this world. If you were in a buying mode, both quality,
quantity and fair prices were around every corner. The Shootout was a blast;
great Drakes, Circle Cutters and inks - something for everyone. Seminars -
again, something for everyone.
And yet, there was the one burr under the saddle that
continues to plague every show these days, no matter how much security is
present or no matter how vigilant the dealers are; THEFT. I've got my own
feelings on the matter and personally think that the "code of the west" outta
still be enforced. The heck with "politically correct". I guess that just don't
cut it in the 21st century. It still should... And yet, with the quantity of killer
glass present, coupled with the sheer volume of folks packing the aisles, it
could have been a heckuva lot worse. Still, one theft is one too
Overall impression;
I've always loved the Reno Show. B ut
2012 was, as Denaveauz and Maison named their top shelf whiskey, Crème De La
Crème! The organization was great. The weather was great. The facility was
great. We enjoyed great food, great beer, great whiskey, and great
entertainment (thanks daughter Megan for the Ron White tickets!). We spent
nearly four full days enjoying the company of the great friends and fellow
collectors that we've gotten to know over the years. Who could ask for
In a nutshell, The show was over the
A sincere thanks to all who were responsible for a
weekend that one and all will hold dear to their hearts. Simply