But not according to Morris Newman. Seems that for Newman the bell tolled for something more useful than a book. Like Whiskey. And Newman's claim to fame was the Liberty Bell brand of whiskey.
Newman arrived late on the scene; setting up shop in 1902 at 256 3rd St. A look at a map of San Francisco shows the address to be 2 1/2 blocks off of Market and just a few blocks off the waterfront and the Ferry Building; a can't fail location. He must have had a few nickels to rub together because he had a phone installed in his saloon right off the bat (Green 464 was the number). He stayed there until 1904. The phone number changed that year to Black 4632 (although the reason escapes me). I'm guessing that Liberty Bell may have been the name of this saloon and the bottle was blown when he was at this address.

In 1905, "M. Newman" pulled up stakes, for reasons unknown, and relocated to new digs. Not sure if it was divine providence that convinced him to move, or just dumb luck, but the new location at 3150 "24th" St., out in the Mission District, survived the Great Earthquake and fire in April of the following year. The new location was on the outer fringes of the "burned area" whereas his old location on 3rd Street was reduced to rubble and ashes on April 18th, the first day of the fire...
The new location apparently fared well. Records indicate that the saloon doors remained open on 24th Street until 1908.
Although no embossed bottles are known to exist attributable to that location, three label only cylinders remain. One, the Bohemian Club, is an exceptional piece of artwork. It is also significant because it has the "Pure Food and Drug Act" declaration on the label, thus positively linking it to the new location based on the date.

After 1908, there is no mention whatsoever of M. Newman's saloon or liquor endeavors at the
And then, the trail goes cold. Obviously Prohibition forced a career change and Newman, like everyone else in the wholesale liquor scene, was forced to reinvent the wheel when their livelihood was taken away. Still, he made a pretty respectable showing, having been in the wholesale and retail liquor business for 17 years~
Subsequent to 1919, no further record is found of Moris and or Lottie Newman in
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