Sunday, July 18, 2010

FOHBC elections

I've been given an opportunity on this blogsite to address members of the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors. An election of new officers for the next 2 year term is in progress as I write this. I would urge all current members to please take this vote seriously, and I would recommend the candidates that have the FOHBC endorsement by their name.

I have been a member for almost 4 years now and have seen several improvements of this organization since joining. I am currently running for the position of Secretary, partly to help assist with the other western board members continue to achieve changes to the Federation that are needed and to direct this organization to do what is best for its membership, afterall this organization serves for the benefit of its members [or should!], and to effectively make the necessary changes, some of the current board members need to be unseated.

One of the changes I would like to see is the addition of more articles on ANTIQUE BOTTLES of western origin or distribution in the Federation's magazine. I recently co-authored an article which appeared in the May-June issue on the Lacour's Sarsapariphere Bitters and its proprietor. I have plans to submit several more interesting articles on other western bottles in the Federation's magazine.

Other board members running for re-election are Richard Siri and Bill Ham, I can tell you that without these two members it's most likely that the upcoming Antique Bottle Exposition scheduled to be in the West in 2012 would probably not have materialized. There was opposition from other current board members against it and had our west coast board members not continued to support this, it most likely would be held in the Northeast region of the country. We have NOT had an Exposition really in the West since Las Vegas in 1988. That's 24 years ago!

When I joined the FOHBC I was not receiving the organization's magazine, actually I was due several issues at the time of renewal! The magazine, thanks to our current president has gotten it back on track. I am also excited about the bottle Exposition coming to Reno, NV in 2012! The 2006 National Federation show was a huge success at 267 tables, just imagine what a Expo show will have.

I would like the opportunity to work with the other western board members in order to continue to make improvements to the FOHBC and to contribute to the magazine's content and keep the membership informed of what YOUR organization is doing by reporting what is happening at the Board level. Again please consider voting for the candidates that are FOHBC recommended on your voting ballot.

Thank you,

Warren Friedrich

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